Truck drivers, we know you work hard! You perform an essential and difficult job, delivering goods and hauling materials. At the same time, your truck’s transmission works almost as hard as you do to stand up to heavy-duty use and withstand friction. The transmission is a major part of your vehicle, and it is made up of hundreds of complex components that enable your vehicle to move. Help your transmission with proper maintenance to avoid damage.
Here are 5 tips to help maintain your transmission:
1. Replace Fluid
It’s important to keep the transmission fluid clean. Transmission fluid lubricates, cools, transmits pressure, and prevents varnish build-up to protect the transmission. Harsh driving conditions are detrimental to the transmission fluid. Driving with old and dirty transmission fluid can lead to having to replace the transmission entirely.
Your truck’s operating temperature and how much driving you do will determine how often to replace the fluid. Consult your car owner’s manual for more info. At Continental Truck Service, we help maintain your transmission by checking the levels and quality of transmission fluid, flushing out contaminated fluid, and refilling your transmission with high-quality fluid.
2. Warm Up Your Engine Before Driving
Regardless of whether your truck is new or old, if it’s cold out, you want to warm up your truck for at least three minutes prior to driving. This means starting your engine and being idle. When the engine is cold, the combustion is uneven and poor. The fluids are highly viscous. Even if your truck is able to start and drive nearly immediately, why put that unnecessary strain on your vehicle, which already works so hard? Sit comfortably in your vehicle, have your coffee if you like, and wait a few minutes before taking off.
3. Don’t Change Gears While Moving
If you drive an automatic, bring your truck to a complete stop before changing gears from ‘drive’ to ‘reverse’ or vice-versa. Stick drivers are used to shifting while in motion. In an automatic, you shift only when stopped. Failing to do so wears out your transmission.
4. Service Your Engine’s Cooling System
Not only does the cooling system prevent the engine from overheating, but it also ensures that the transmission fluid is cooled as well. At Continental Truck Service, we’ll help keep your cooling system in optimal condition to protect your engine and transmission.
5. Bring In Your Truck For Annual Inspections
Having a certified repair specialist conduct a diagnostic check is imperative for your transmission and keeping your truck on the road. We will check the transmission for possible leaks or other abnormalities. And if necessary, we will check and flush fluids. This is smart preventative maintenance for your transmission.
The technicians at Continental Truck Services are highly skilled and certified to quickly and effectively fix any problem. We are here to provide top quality service at the fastest possible times. Call us today to schedule your appointment: (407) 591-6747. We are located at 9640 SIDNEY HAYES RD, Orlando, FL 32824, United States. Be safe!